Sum of Vectors
To add vectors, just add their corresponding components. Given
Graphically, we can see that adding vectors means connecting the terminal point of one to the tail of the other.
Addition is commutative.
Difference of Vectors
Subtraction is not commutative.
Multiplying by a scalar
Multiplying a vector by a scalar is just like matrix scalar multiplication. For instance, if we multiply
Graphically, we can see that the resulting column vector has the same direction, but its magnitutde is scaled by the absolute value of the scalar.
Multiplying a vector by a vector
The product of two vectors is called dot product, and we find it by summing the products of the individual components.
We can also find the dot product when we write the vectors as matrices. So if we wrote
When we express the vectors as matrices and then multiply them, it’s important to multiply them as a row matrix first, multiplied by a column matrix second.
Otherwise we’d get a result that is completely different from the dot product of the two vectors.